Benefit for the Berkshire Realtor's Emergency Housing Fund and the Railroad Street Youth Program. Music Bingo is a fun filled and fast paced take on traditional bingo! Dancing in your seat, with a chance to win lots of money and have fun while doing it. We are bringing back our DJ from our last event and players will be given 2 bingo cards... but traditional bingo numbers have been replaced with song names, music titles or both! Our DJ plays 10-15-second clips of music and you mark off spots on your bingo card. Each game has 3 rounds – with winners awarded prizes at the end of each game! The goal – get your groove on, get bingo and have FUN raising funds for a great cause. $25 per person includes 2 bingo cards. Food and drinks available for purchase. Please, sign up today! Oh, yea…and we’re raffling off a house of cash, worth $1000.
You can check out our sponsorships here to help make this event a success!